'Lo, ev'ryone, and welcome to my site! I am Mar Qaroll, a dark-clad transmasculine metalhead, a storyteller and worldbuilder of over twenty years, and the creative founder of the future indie publisher, Candelabræm Books! I have an unshakable vow to be faithful to myself which has led me away from several old beliefs, including my old religion of Islam. I am interested in building a community of like-minded individuals who dare to be true to themselves, create amazing stories while doing it, and wholeheartedly support one another.
Join me on my journey to fulfilling my dream of emotional and spiritual independence through my projects, stories, worlds, FTM transition, and rootwork!
A weary wonderer
I am a human being, flawed and defective. I have too much time on my hands and too many opinions that get me in too much trouble. Whether that trouble is warranted is entirely up to you, Reader, but don't put words in my mouth.
As a former Muslim, I find myself spiritually lost. I plan on chronicling my journey into hoodoo while connecting to my roots as a descendant of Africans, something I never took an interest in during my younger years.
A storyteller spirit
I am a dreamer, deviant, writer, weaver, and wonderer who wholeheartedly believes that all stories should be told, even the ones that hurt, traumatize, and disgust. I particularly dislike how fiction is censored. But that's par for the course, ain't it?
I have over 30 stories that I consider " diverse " regarding their variations. Some are dark and tragic, others romantic and fantastical. Some may even be familiar to you, Reader. See for yourself.